M, pre-stained SDS-PAGE protein standards (Bio–Rad). (A and B) Lanes 1 and 2, T. annulata/D7 extract I; 3, BL20; 4, 1 μg of rTA15705. A and B filters were probed with immune serum blocked with rTA15705 and unblocked immune serum, respectively. (C and D) Lane 1, T. annulata/D7 extract I; 2, BL20; 3, 1 μg of rTA15710. C and D filters were probed with immune serum blocked with rTA15710 and unblocked immune serum, respectively. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 in filters B and D indicates immunodominant bands probed with unblocked serum. Numbers 2 and 3 in filter A indicates immunodominant bands probed with immune serum blocked with rTA15705. Numbers 1 and 3 in filter C indicates immunodominant bands probed with immune serum blocked with rTA15710. (*) in filters B, D indicates recombinant TA15705 and TA15710 proteins probed with unblocked immune serum; (a) in filter A indicates presence of excess amount of TA15705 specific antibodies reacting with rTA15705. “Non-abs” and “Abs” indicate the filters that were probed with immune serum blocked with related recombinant proteins and unblocked immune serum, respectively.