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. 2016 Jun 8;6:27434. doi: 10.1038/srep27434

Table 2. Total (Ntot) and partial (NGe, NSb, NTe) coordination numbers in liquid Ge2Sb2Te5 at different temperatures, extracted from the vdW-DF2 AIMD trajectories.

Temperature Species Ntot NGe NSb NTe
T = 852 K Ge 4.33 0.31 (3.16) 0.45 (3.26) 3.57 (3.50)
Sb 4.13 0.45 (3.26) 0.59 (3.48) 3.09 (3.50)
Te 3.49 1.43 (3.50) 1.23 (3.50) 0.83 (3.50)
T = 925 K Ge 4.32 0.36 (3.05) 0.37 (3.24) 3.59 (3.50)
Sb 4.17 0.37 (3.24) 0.86 (3.50) 2.94 (3.50)
Te 3.57 1.43 (3.50) 1.18 (3.50) 0.96 (3.50)
T = 1024 K Ge 4.36 0.33 (3.05) 0.48 (3.30) 3.55 (3.50)
Sb 4.23 0.48 (3.30) 0.82 (3.50) 2.93 (3.50)
Te 3.66 1.42 (3.50) 1.17 (3.50) 1.06 (3.50)
T = 1250 K Ge 4.50 0.44 (3.13) 0.67 (3.35) 3.38 (3.50)
Sb 4.33 0.67 (3.35) 0.84 (3.50) 2.82 (3.50)
Te 3.78 1.35 (3.50) 1.13 (3.50) 1.30 (3.50)

The coordination numbers are calculated by integrating the partial gij(r) shown in Figs 2 and S1–3, up to cutoffs corresponding to their first minimum. If gij(r) does not display any minimum up to 3.5 Å (e.g. gTeTe(r)), the cutoff is set to this value. The cutoff values are listed in brackets.