Figure 1. NK cell effector function correlates with eosinophil apoptosis.
(a–c) Peripheral blood granulocytes from the controls were incubated with autologous PBMCs (a), autologous CD56-depleted lymphocytes (b), or purified NK cells (c). (a) Representative FACS profiles (left panel) and statistical dot plots (right panel) showing the percentage of annexin V+ eosinophils. (b) Statistical dot plots showing the percent increase in annexin V+ eosinophils after incubation with effector cells relative to that without effector cells (ΔAnnexin V+ Eos). (c) Statistical bar charts showing the percentage of annexin V+ eosinophils. (d) PBMCs from the controls (N) (n = 18) or patients with CRS (n = 37) were incubated with autologous peripheral blood granulocytes. Representative FACS profiles (left panel) and statistical dot plots (right panel) showing the relative percent increase in eosinophil apoptosis (ΔAnnexin V+ Eos). (e,f) The relative percent increase in eosinophil apoptosis (ΔAnnexin V+ Eos) correlated with the percentages of CD107a+ NK cells after stimulation with K562 (e) or 221 (f) cells. Horizontal bars indicate the medians. **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001, Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test (a,b), repeated measure ANOVA with the Friedman’s test (c), Mann-Whitney U test (d), and Spearman correlation test (e,f).