Fig. 7.
Effect of the N-terminal deletions on the processing of PfPSD proenzymes and the PSD activities.
A. Western blot analysis was performed using anti-PfPSD to detect unprocessed and processed PfPSDs in the psd1Δpsd2Δdpl1Δ mutant strain, expressing full-length and truncated versions lacking the first 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 amino acid residues of the PfPSD. Sample loading was normalized to the amount of protein present in host cell extracts. The top panel shows the PfPSD proenzyme (marked by asterisk) and the mature β-subunit (lower band), respectively. The lower panel shows the mature α-subunit.
B. The protein band intensities of the proenzymes and processed β-subunits on the Western blot were quantified using Image J software. Data are means ± range for two experiments.
C. PSD enzyme assays were performed as described in Fig. 5B. The PSD enzyme activities were normalized to the quantified β-subunits. Data are means ± standard deviation for two experiments each performed in duplicate.