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. 2016 Jun 8;11(6):e0157047. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157047

Table 1. Susceptibilities of planktonic cells of the 15 Trichosporon asahii isolates against NSAIDs alone and in combination with antifungal agents and the percentage of interpretation effects of each combination (n = 3).

Drug combination MIC(range) of drug FICI Interpretation
Alone In combination Median Range Syn Ind Ant
NSAID(mg/ml) Antifungal(μg/ml) NSAID(mg/ml) Antifungal(μg/ml)
ASA/FLU 8–16 4–32 0.125–2 0.063–16 0.516 0.063–1.250 7(46.67%) 8(53.33%) 0(0.00%)
ASA/ITC 8–16 0.125–1 0.125–4 0.015–0.5 0.508 0.136–1.008 6(40.00%) 9(60.00%) 0(0.00%)
ASA/VOR 8–16 0.031–0.125 0.125–8 0.004–0.125 0.750 0.250–1.125 4(26.67%) 11(73.33%) 0(0.00%)
ASA/AMB 8–16 0.5–4 0.125–4 0.031–2 0.313 0.141–0.625 12(80.00%) 3(20.00%) 0(0.00%)
ASA/CAS 8–16 8–32 0.25–2 2–16 0.375 0.156–1.125 9(60.00%) 6(40.00%) 0(0.00%)
IBR/FLU 0.5–2 4–32 0.031–1 0.125–8 0.375 0.141–1.250 10(66.67%) 5(33.33%) 0(0.00%)
IBR/ITC 0.5–2 0.125–1 0.125–0.5 0.031–0.5 0.500 0.188–1.250 8(53.33%) 7(46.67%) 0(0.00%)
IBR/VOR 0.5–2 0.031–0.125 0.063–1 0.001–0.063 0.750 0.313–1.250 4(26.67%) 11(73.33%) 0(0.00%)
IBR/AMB 0.5–2 0.5–4 0.031–0.5 0.063–1 0.250 0.063–0.750 13(86.67%) 2(13.33%) 0(0.00%)
IBR/CAS 0.5–2 8–32 0.016–0.125 1–8 0.188 0.063–1.016 11(73.33%) 4(26.67%) 0(0.00%)
DIC/FLU 1–4 4–32 0.031–0.5 0.5–16 0.516 0.070–1.250 6(40.00%) 9(60.00%) 0(0.00%)
DIC/ITC 1–4 0.125–1 0.031–2 0.031–0.5 0.750 0.156–2.000 4(26.67%) 11(73.33%) 0(0.00%)
DIC/VOR 1–4 0.031–0.125 0.063–2 0.001–0.125 0.750 0.500–1.500 2(13.33%) 13(86.67%) 0(0.00%)
DIC/AMB 1–4 0.5–4 0.031–1 0.125–1 0.313 0.094–0.750 12(80.00%) 3(20.00%) 0(0.00%)
DIC/CAS 1–4 8–32 0.125–2 4–8 0.750 0.25–1.25 5(33.33%) 10(66.67%) 0(0.00%)

MIC, the concentration causing a 50% reduction in optical density of the planktonic cells compared with the optical density of the untreated cells using the same isolates; FICI, fractional inhibitory concentration index, FICI≤0.5, synergy; FICI>0.5–4, indifference; FICI>4, antagonism; Median, the median of the FICIs with one type of combination; Range, the range of the FICIs with one type of combination; Syn, a combination indicating synergistic interaction; Ind, a combination indicating indifferent interaction; Ant, a combination indicating antagonistic interaction; FLU, Fluconazole; ITC, Itraconazole; VOR, Voriconazole, AMB, amphotericin B; CAS, caspofungin; ASA, aspirin; IBR, ibuprofen; DIC, diclofenac sodium