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. 2015 Jun 11;36(9):3653–3665. doi: 10.1002/hbm.22869

Table 3.

After averaging within each of the original 82 anatomical labels using data generated from the 620‐parcellation scheme, for both μ and nodal efficiency, the ratio of nodal efficiency to μ or “embeddedness” was computed and the regions were sorted and listed from high to low with respect to this ratio

Rank list of embeddedness for 82 freesurfer regions
Region Name Embeddedness Region Name Embeddedness
ctx‐rh‐isthmuscingulate 0.389 ctx‐rh‐temporalpole 0.268
Right‐Pallidum 0.379 ctx‐rh‐parahippocampal 0.263
ctx‐rh‐posteriorcingulate 0.372 ctx‐lh‐lingual 0.262
Right‐Thalamus‐Proper 0.369 ctx‐lh‐pericalcarine 0.261
ctx‐lh‐isthmuscingulate 0.369 ctx‐lh‐entorhinal 0.26
ctx‐rh‐precuneus 0.361 ctx‐rh‐precentral 0.256
Left‐Pallidum 0.361 ctx‐lh‐precentral 0.254
Right‐Putamen 0.36 ctx‐rh‐pericalcarine 0.254
Left‐Putamen 0.357 ctx‐rh‐lateralorbitofrontal 0.251
Left‐Thalamus‐Proper 0.354 ctx‐rh‐lingual 0.251
ctx‐lh‐posteriorcingulate 0.35 ctx‐lh‐lateralorbitofrontal 0.25
ctx‐rh‐caudalanteriorcingulate 0.346 ctx‐rh‐entorhinal 0.248
ctx‐lh‐precuneus 0.343 ctx‐lh‐inferiorparietal 0.247
Left‐Accumbens‐area 0.332 ctx‐rh‐transversetemporal 0.245
Right‐Accumbens‐area 0.33 ctx‐rh‐parsorbitalis 0.245
ctx‐lh‐caudalanteriorcingulate 0.329 ctx‐rh‐superiortemporal 0.243
Right‐Caudate 0.328 ctx‐lh‐transversetemporal 0.243
ctx‐rh‐paracentral 0.328 ctx‐rh‐postcentral 0.243
ctx‐rh‐superiorparietal 0.326 ctx‐rh‐lateraloccipital 0.24
ctx‐lh‐paracentral 0.32 ctx‐lh‐superiortemporal 0.238
ctx‐lh‐insula 0.319 ctx‐rh‐parsopercularis 0.237
ctx‐lh‐superiorparietal 0.317 ctx‐lh‐caudalmiddlefrontal 0.236
Left‐Caudate 0.316 ctx‐lh‐parsopercularis 0.235
ctx‐lh‐medialorbitofrontal 0.307 ctx‐lh‐postcentral 0.233
ctx‐rh‐insula 0.305 ctx‐rh‐rostralmiddlefrontal 0.232
Right‐Amygdala 0.305 ctx‐lh‐parstriangularis 0.231
ctx‐rh‐medialorbitofrontal 0.3 ctx‐lh‐parsorbitalis 0.23
Left‐Amygdala 0.297 ctx‐rh‐parstriangularis 0.228
ctx‐rh‐frontalpole 0.297 ctx‐lh‐rostralmiddlefrontal 0.227
ctx‐rh‐rostralanteriorcingulate 0.293 ctx‐rh‐caudalmiddlefrontal 0.225
Left‐Hippocampus 0.291 ctx‐rh‐inferiorparietal 0.224
ctx‐lh‐cuneus 0.29 ctx‐lh‐fusiform 0.223
Right‐Hippocampus 0.288 ctx‐rh‐fusiform 0.221
ctx‐lh‐rostralanteriorcingulate 0.287 ctx‐lh‐inferiortemporal 0.22
ctx‐lh‐frontalpole 0.286 ctx‐rh‐middletemporal 0.217
ctx‐lh‐superiorfrontal 0.285 ctx‐rh‐bankssts 0.216
ctx‐rh‐superiorfrontal 0.282 ctx‐rh‐inferiortemporal 0.215
ctx‐lh‐lateraloccipital 0.276 ctx‐lh‐middletemporal 0.214
ctx‐lh‐parahippocampal 0.271 ctx‐rh‐supramarginal 0.209
ctx‐lh‐temporalpole 0.269 ctx‐lh‐bankssts 0.208
ctx‐rh‐cuneus 0.269 ctx‐lh‐supramarginal 0.199

Regions ranked higher thus not only (1) have high nodal efficiency, but also (2) have slower efficiency decay. Regions with the highest degrees of embeddedness are primarily the bilateral subcortical structures including the thalamus and basal ganglia (pallidum, caudate, and putamen), the regions forming the limbic system (insula, nucleus accumbens, and subdivisions of cingulum), the precuneus and neighboring parietal regions, and the medial orbitofrontal cortex.