Table 3.
Rank list of embeddedness for 82 freesurfer regions | |||
Region Name | Embeddedness | Region Name | Embeddedness |
ctx‐rh‐isthmuscingulate | 0.389 | ctx‐rh‐temporalpole | 0.268 |
Right‐Pallidum | 0.379 | ctx‐rh‐parahippocampal | 0.263 |
ctx‐rh‐posteriorcingulate | 0.372 | ctx‐lh‐lingual | 0.262 |
Right‐Thalamus‐Proper | 0.369 | ctx‐lh‐pericalcarine | 0.261 |
ctx‐lh‐isthmuscingulate | 0.369 | ctx‐lh‐entorhinal | 0.26 |
ctx‐rh‐precuneus | 0.361 | ctx‐rh‐precentral | 0.256 |
Left‐Pallidum | 0.361 | ctx‐lh‐precentral | 0.254 |
Right‐Putamen | 0.36 | ctx‐rh‐pericalcarine | 0.254 |
Left‐Putamen | 0.357 | ctx‐rh‐lateralorbitofrontal | 0.251 |
Left‐Thalamus‐Proper | 0.354 | ctx‐rh‐lingual | 0.251 |
ctx‐lh‐posteriorcingulate | 0.35 | ctx‐lh‐lateralorbitofrontal | 0.25 |
ctx‐rh‐caudalanteriorcingulate | 0.346 | ctx‐rh‐entorhinal | 0.248 |
ctx‐lh‐precuneus | 0.343 | ctx‐lh‐inferiorparietal | 0.247 |
Left‐Accumbens‐area | 0.332 | ctx‐rh‐transversetemporal | 0.245 |
Right‐Accumbens‐area | 0.33 | ctx‐rh‐parsorbitalis | 0.245 |
ctx‐lh‐caudalanteriorcingulate | 0.329 | ctx‐rh‐superiortemporal | 0.243 |
Right‐Caudate | 0.328 | ctx‐lh‐transversetemporal | 0.243 |
ctx‐rh‐paracentral | 0.328 | ctx‐rh‐postcentral | 0.243 |
ctx‐rh‐superiorparietal | 0.326 | ctx‐rh‐lateraloccipital | 0.24 |
ctx‐lh‐paracentral | 0.32 | ctx‐lh‐superiortemporal | 0.238 |
ctx‐lh‐insula | 0.319 | ctx‐rh‐parsopercularis | 0.237 |
ctx‐lh‐superiorparietal | 0.317 | ctx‐lh‐caudalmiddlefrontal | 0.236 |
Left‐Caudate | 0.316 | ctx‐lh‐parsopercularis | 0.235 |
ctx‐lh‐medialorbitofrontal | 0.307 | ctx‐lh‐postcentral | 0.233 |
ctx‐rh‐insula | 0.305 | ctx‐rh‐rostralmiddlefrontal | 0.232 |
Right‐Amygdala | 0.305 | ctx‐lh‐parstriangularis | 0.231 |
ctx‐rh‐medialorbitofrontal | 0.3 | ctx‐lh‐parsorbitalis | 0.23 |
Left‐Amygdala | 0.297 | ctx‐rh‐parstriangularis | 0.228 |
ctx‐rh‐frontalpole | 0.297 | ctx‐lh‐rostralmiddlefrontal | 0.227 |
ctx‐rh‐rostralanteriorcingulate | 0.293 | ctx‐rh‐caudalmiddlefrontal | 0.225 |
Left‐Hippocampus | 0.291 | ctx‐rh‐inferiorparietal | 0.224 |
ctx‐lh‐cuneus | 0.29 | ctx‐lh‐fusiform | 0.223 |
Right‐Hippocampus | 0.288 | ctx‐rh‐fusiform | 0.221 |
ctx‐lh‐rostralanteriorcingulate | 0.287 | ctx‐lh‐inferiortemporal | 0.22 |
ctx‐lh‐frontalpole | 0.286 | ctx‐rh‐middletemporal | 0.217 |
ctx‐lh‐superiorfrontal | 0.285 | ctx‐rh‐bankssts | 0.216 |
ctx‐rh‐superiorfrontal | 0.282 | ctx‐rh‐inferiortemporal | 0.215 |
ctx‐lh‐lateraloccipital | 0.276 | ctx‐lh‐middletemporal | 0.214 |
ctx‐lh‐parahippocampal | 0.271 | ctx‐rh‐supramarginal | 0.209 |
ctx‐lh‐temporalpole | 0.269 | ctx‐lh‐bankssts | 0.208 |
ctx‐rh‐cuneus | 0.269 | ctx‐lh‐supramarginal | 0.199 |
Regions ranked higher thus not only (1) have high nodal efficiency, but also (2) have slower efficiency decay. Regions with the highest degrees of embeddedness are primarily the bilateral subcortical structures including the thalamus and basal ganglia (pallidum, caudate, and putamen), the regions forming the limbic system (insula, nucleus accumbens, and subdivisions of cingulum), the precuneus and neighboring parietal regions, and the medial orbitofrontal cortex.