Enhancing small-molecule detection from single blastomeres using multi-solvent extraction. (A) The polarpH4, apolarpH5, and apolarpH8 solvents allowed us to detect a complementary set of small molecules in the cells. Numbers indicate different compounds. (B) These solvents also provided complementary performance in electrophoretic separation; 28 select small molecules are shown. Higher signal-to-noise ratio and separation power was achieved using apolarpH5, and apolarpH8 solvents. Theoretical plate numbers (N) are provided for arginine. Key: CR, creatine; GSH, glutathione; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; HPX, hypoxanthine; S-adenosylmethionine (9); ornithine (10); lysine (11). Identified compounds are listed in Table S2.