Mechanical loading generated new bone formation at the ulnar midshaft site in Cre-induced and control mice. (A) Periosteal mineralizing surface per bone surface (MS/BS; panel B), periosteal mineral apposition rate (MAR; panel C), and periosteal bone formation rate per unit bone surface (BFR/BS; panel D) were all significantly increased by mechanical loading, compared to the control ulna, within each genotype/treatment group (not indicated by symbols in figure; * p < 0.05 compared to CreERt2− with Oil group, + p < 0.05 compared to CreERt2− with tamoxifen group, # p < 0.05 compared to CreERt2+ with Oil group). (E–G) Relative values (right minus left) were calculated for each dynamic formation parameter to adjust loading effects for genotype/treatment changes in the baseline (revealed by the nonloaded ulna) parameters. The anabolic effect of mechanical loading was not significantly inhibited by βcat deletion in tamoxifen-treated CreERt2+ group compared to the remaining three groups. Sample size is n=10/group.