Figure 2.
(a) The Gol’dberg number calculated via eqn. (5) for harmonics of a histotripsy pulse with a 1 MHz center frequency and 80 MPa peak positive pressure. The attenuation variables α0 and PL used to evaluate eqn. (5) were the best-fit parameters for the power law fit for each of the phantoms (Table 2). (b) The number of harmonics present in the shockwave calculated via eqn. (6). For each of the phantoms, eqn. (6) was evaluated using best-fit parameters α0 and PL in Table 2 for power law and linear power law (PL = 1) attenuation. Error bars indicate propagation of error due to the measured sound speed, density, and attenuation power law fitting parameters α0 and PL.