Figure 2.
Taxonomic overview of the P. damicornis viral metagenome. Normalized taxonomic assignments of the metavirome data sets using NCBI's viral RefSeq database as BLAST searches from single read analysis (in light blue) and predicted genes from assembled data (in dark blue) are displayed in (A). The size of the colored circle is indicative of the relative abundance of reads in the metavirome being assigned to each specific taxonomic level (square root scaled). Normalized taxonomic assignments of the metavirome data sets against phage-specific orthologous group (POG) and cellular marker database as BLAST searches from single read analysis (in light gray) and predicted genes from assembled data (in dark gray) are displayed in (B). The MEGAN5 last common ancestor classification was used to assign all taxonomy. Data sets were normalized against the total number of significant assignments using a minimum bitscore threshold of 80, with taxonomic assignments being made based on 80% consensus of the best BLAST matches.