Figure 1. Viral Shedding trajectories from inbred lines of birds after infection with H7N7 LPAI virus.
Viral shedding was measured before and during the days post-infection (DPI) by the nasel route. (A) data from oropharyngeal swabs of directly infected Line O birds (continuous line) and birds of line C-B12 (dashed line). (B) Data from cloacal swabs from the same birds. Viral shedding from sentinels housed in the same isolator (continuous line) was compared to directly infected birds (dotted line) in both Line 0 birds (C) oropharyngeal swabs; (D), cloacal swabs and C-B12 birds (E), oropharyngeal swabs; (F) cloacal swabs. Number of birds analysed: Line C-B12: directly infected Day 0–7, n = 12; days 8–13, n = 9; day 15–19, n = 5; sentinel birds n = 4; Line 0 birds (A,B), n = 12; (C,D), n = 10 sentinel and n = 10 directly infected). Results represented as mean ± S.E.M of Ct (cycle threshold) values obtained by qRT-PCR of the influenza matrix gene.