MMP-9 activity is required for Stat-3C-dependent anchorage-independent growth. (A) Anchorage-independent growth of pBabe-Stat3-C cells (pB-3C)-, pBabe v-src (pB-src)-, and pBabe H-ras V12 (pB-ras)-expressing HMLHT cells. DMSO (D) control and increasing concentrations of MMP-2/9 inhibitor in μM were added to the soft agar assay every other day (mean ± SD). (B) Gelatin zymography of supernatants derived from HMLHT cells expressing either pBabe (pB), pBabe-Stat3-C (3C), pBabe v-src (src), or pBabe H-ras V12 (ras) and 0.5 ng of recombinant MMP-9 as a loading control.