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. 2016 Jun 9;16:78. doi: 10.1186/s12887-016-0615-9

Table 7.

Logistic regression of the relationship between respondents’ lifetime, previous year and current use of alcohol with social class and demographic variables

Variables B S.E. Wald df P-value Exp (B) 95 % C.I. for Exp (B)
Lower Upper
Lifetime Use
 Sex −.212 .146 2.120 1 .145 .809 .617 1.005
 Age −.521 .080 42.474 1 .000 .594 0.511 .679
 Class .769 .113 45.963 1 .000 2.158 2.009 2.310
 Frequency .288 .148 3.801 1 .051 1.334 1.277 1.399 .264 .151 3.066 1 .080 1.302 1.283 1.325 −.036 .151 .058 1 .809 .964 .938 .992
 Constant 7.191 1.213 35.152 1 .000 1327.730
Previous year Use
 Sex −.269 .140 3.721 1 .054 .764 .698 .834
 Age −.242 .074 10.609 1 .001 .785 .736 .841
 Class .143 .102 1.960 1 .162 1.154 1.112 1.199
 Frequency .321 .139 5.333 1 .021 1.379 1.307 1.153 .212 .145 2.154 1 .142 1.236 1.198 1.279 −.061 .145 .175 1 .676 .941 .898 .991
 Constant 3.652 1.143 10.202 1 .001 38.537
Current Use
 Sex −.289 .175 2.730 1 .098 .749 .713 .787
 Age −.414 .098 17.687 1 .000 .661 .635 .690
 Class .303 .124 5.947 1 .015 1.354 1.288 1.421
 Frequency .117 .167 .489 1 .484 1.124 1.093 1.159 .273 .182 2.246 1 .134 1.314 1.276 1.352 −.119 .182 .426 1 .514 .888 .842 .933
Constant 4.836 1.501 10.382 1 .001 125.934