Fig. 4.
Increased susceptibility to EAE in PD-L1–/– mice. (a) 129Sv PD-L1–/– (○) and PD-L1+/+ (•) mice were immunized with MOG33–55 and mice were scored daily. (b–f) To assess MOG-specific responses, mice were immunized with MOG33–55, and 10 days later draining LN cells were harvested and restimulated with MOG33–55. (b) Proliferation was measured at day 2, and IL-2 (c), IFN-γ (d), and IL-10 (e) were assayed from days 0 to 4 by ELISA. To determine the number of antigen-specific IFN-γ producing cells, draining LN cells were restimulated with MOG33–55 for 24 h, and (f) enzyme-linked immunospot assays were performed. These data are representative of three to four independent experiments.