Strain-dependent release of model hydrophilic dye from a tension-responsive, superhydrophobic drug delivery system via crack propagation. (a) Cumulative dye release with electrosprayed coating of PCL:PGC-C18 1:1, or PCL (control, orange hexagon) as a function of tensile strain. Error bars denote + SD, n = 3 for each time point. (b) Contrast-enhanced microcomputed tomography (μCT) images before and after applied tensile strain (left and right, respectively), indicating water absorption (blue) after coating fracture. Arrowheads define the boundary of the device. (c) Image sequences from video as device is stretched along the x-axis showing crack development in the superhydrophobic barrier coating. (d) Coating fracture analysis in terms of number of cracks and total crack area as a function of increasing strain, n = 1. (e) Average crack area as a function of increasing strain, n = 1.