Imaging and probing of the nanomechanical properties of living L. lactis cells. Height images of cells of L. lactis MG1363 (A), MG1363 + uracil (100 μg/ml) (B), ΔpyrB mutant (C), and ΔpyrB mutant + uracil (100 μg/ml) (D), which were trapped in microstructured polydimethylsiloxane stamps (scale bars = 1 μm). E, F, G, and H, rigidity images corresponding to height images shown in A, B, C, and D, respectively. I, representative indentation curves obtained for MG1363 (gray line), MG1363 + uracil (light gray line), ΔpyrB mutant (yellow line), and ΔpyrB mutant + uracil (dark yellow line). Black empty circles show in each case the fit with the Hertz model. J, histogram showing the Young's modulus values for both strains with or without uracil. In each case, Young's modulus values were measured on 12 cells (n = 12,288 curves), and Young's modulus medians were calculated from fits in a Gaussian model. The three asterisks show significant differences between the rigidity of strain MG1363 and that of the ΔpyrB mutant at a p value <0.0001 (unpaired t test). Error bars represent S.D. kPa, kilopascals; nN, nanonewtons; MPa, megapascals.