Figure 2.
Growth Characteristics and Analysis of hex1Δ Strain.
(A) Cytoplasmic bleeding in the hex1Δ mutant after growth for 3 d in the sorbose medium. Droplets of cytoplasm are seen at hyphal tips of the hex1Δ strain but not in wild-type hyphae. Insets show the colony morphologies on the sorbose medium. Bar = 20 μm.
(B) Hypotonic shock–induced release of cytoplasm in the wild type and the hex1Δ mutant. Values indicate the total amount of protein released per milliliter of culture filtrate by each strain. Mean values (± sd) of three independent quantitations are shown.
(C) Utilization of fatty acids is unaffected in the hex1Δ strain. The wild type and the hex1Δ mutant were grown on complete medium (CM) or FAM for 6 d. Bar = 1 cm.