(A) Volume density of HO-1+ cells–at different time points and tumor sizes (mean tumor weight mg +/- SD)–in G tumors (day 49 (small); 49 +/- 21 mg and day 42 (large); 250 +/- 164 mg), in AT-1 tumors (day 7; 15 +/- 4.5 mg, day 10; 71 +/- 48 mg, and day 14; 458 +/- 406 mg), and in MatLyLu tumors (day 7; 35 +/- 24 mg and day 10; 140 +/- 111 mg) and in TINT (*p < 0.05, n = 5–13 in each group). (B) Volume density of HO-1+ cells in tumor and TINT of slow growing G tumors (n = 6) compared to aggressive AT-1 tumors (n = 9, *p <0.05) of similar sizes (49 +/- 21 and 48 +/- 33 mg, respectively). (C) Volume density of HO-1+ cells in tumor and TINT of non-metastatic AT-1 tumors (n = 8) compared to metastatic MatLyLu tumors (n = 7, *p < 0.05) of similar sizes (97 +/- 39 and 90 +/- 47 mg, respectively).