Activation during passive movement of the right hand in
a) CD patients vs controls non-feigning [CONV > CN]: bilateral cluster in the pars triangularis of the inferior fontal gyrus (IFG). Left IFG: pFWE = 0.019 (SVC), t-value = 4.08; Right IFG: pFWE = 0.061 (SVC), t-value = 3.75 (pFWE = family wise error corrected; SVC = small volume corrected).
b) Controls feigning vs non-feigning [CF > CN]: activation in the pars triangularis of the right IFG, pFWE = 0.059 (SVC), t-value = 4.91.
c) CD patients vs controls feigning [CONV > CF]: activation in the pars orbitalis of the left IFG, pFWE = 0.038 (SVC), t-value = 4.32.
The numbers below the axial slices are the z-axis coordinates, the number below the coronal slices are y-axis coordinates in the MNI space.