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. 2016 Jun 9;23(3):178–183. doi: 10.3747/co.23.3019


The study questionnaire

Dear Dr. [name],
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts on molecular testing in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC, emphasis on metastatic lung cancer) by filling in this survey and returning it either by using the postage-paid envelope or by faxing your response to 1-800-xxx-xxxx. The responses will be used to form the basis of a needs assessment for future. Your experience and insights on diagnosis, management, and treatment are valuable.
Thank you for your participation.
Drs. Peter Ellis, Natasha Leighl and Sunil Verma
1. Do you treat lung cancer?  □ Yes  □ No
EGFR mutation
2. a. Who orders EGFR mutation testing at your centre? (please check all that apply)
  □ Respiratory medicine  □ Pathology  □ Medical oncology  □ Thoracic surgeon  □ Radiation oncology
b. Do you agree that knowing mutation status at the time of initial medical oncology consultation impacts outcome and influences treatment decision?  □ Yes  □ No
c. Who do you think should order EGFR mutation testing? (please check all that apply)


Respiratory medicine
Medical oncology
Thoracic surgeon
Radiation oncology

3. What are the barriers to having someone other than medical oncologists order the testing?
4. Approximately what proportion of your locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC patients were potentially suitable for EGFR mutation testing this year?  □ < 10%  □ 11%–25%  □ 26%–40%  □ 41%–60%  □ 61%–80%  □ 81%–100%
5. How many EGFR tests were ordered by you through the year?  □ < 10  □ 11–25  □ 26–40  □ 41–60  □ 61–80  □ 81–100
6. How many delivered results in time for first-line treatment decisions?  □ <25%  □ 25%–50%  □ 51%–75%  □ 76%–100%
7. a. Which of the following factors influence your decision to test for EGFR? (please check all that apply)
  □ Asian ethnicity  □ Light/never smoker  □ Female sex
  □ Adenocarcinoma histology  □ ALL
  □ 2 or more options: _______________________________________________
  □ Other: _________________________________________________________
b. What are the barriers to testing ALL patients?
8. Are you testing patients regardless of stage?  □ Yes  □ No
9. Who is funding the EGFR testing in your region?
ALK mutation
10. a. Which of the following factors influence your decision to test for ALK? (please check all that apply)
  □ Asian ethnicity  □ Light/never smoker  □ Female sex
  □ Adenocarcinoma histology  □ ALL
  □ 2 or more options: _______________________________________________________________
  □ Other: ________________________________________________________________________
b. When do you test for ALK?  □ Newly referred  □ Prior to 1st-line treatment  □ 2nd-line  □ 3rd-line  □ Beyond
c. What are the current barriers to ALK testing?
d. Does your centre routinely test for ALK?  □ Yes  □ No
e. What tests are performed?
11. Who is funding the ALK testing in your centre or region?