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. 2016 May 27;7(2):335–348. doi: 10.1007/s13300-016-0175-x

Table 1.

Patient demographic and diabetes/health characteristics by diabetes type

Type 1 (n = 356) Type 2 (n = 550) Total (n = 906)
Patient characteristics
 Age (years), mean (SD)*** 37.4 (14.4) 47.4 (16.2) 43.5 (16.2)
 Male, n (%) 196 (55.1) 316 (57.5) 512 (56.5)
 White Caucasian, n (%) 320 (89.9) 495 (90.0) 815 (90.0)
 Married or partnered, n (%) 197 (55.3) 337 (61.3) 534 (58.9)
 College/grad school educated, n (%)* 159 (44.7) 200 (36.4) 359 (39.6)
 Employed (yes), n (%)*** 231 (64.9) 288 (52.4) 519 (57.3)
 Work hours per week, mean (SD)a 35.5 (13.1) 35.0 (10.6) 35.2 (11.7)
Diabetes/health characteristics
 Age (years) at diagnosis, mean (SD)*** 20.2 (12.1) 35.6 (14.0) 29.6 (15.3)
 Age (years) started insulin, mean (SD)*** 20.9 (12.4) 39.6 (16.0) 32.2 (17.3)
 Insulin method, n (%)***
  Syringe 111 (31.2) 187 (34.0) 298 (32.9)
  Prefilled pen 173 (48.6) 314 (57.1) 487 (53.8)
  Insulin pump 72 (20.2) 49 (8.9) 121 (13.4)
 Diabetes well/very well controlled, n (%)*** 236 (66.3) 273 (49.6) 509 (56.2)
 Health status good/very good/excellent, n (%)*** 246 (69.1) 273 (49.6) 519 (57.3)
Diet and exercise habits
 Number of skipped meals past week, mean (SD) 1.3 (2.2) 1.4 (2.0) 1.4 (2.1)
 Ate at restaurant in past week (yes), n (%) 175 (49.2) 302 (54.9) 477 (52.6)
 Ate takeout in past week (yes), n (%) 125 (35.1) 205 (37.3) 330 (36.4)
 Ate at friend’s home in past week (yes), n (%) 166 (46.6) 221 (40.2) 387 (42.7)
 Any eating out in past week (yes), n (%) 267 (75.0) 427 (77.6) 694 (76.6)
 Light physical activity past week, mean hours (SD) 7.5 (7.9) 6.9 (7.2) 7.2 (7.5)
 Moderate physical activity past week, mean hours (SD)* 4.0 (6.4) 3.1 (4.3) 3.5 (5.2)
 Hard physical activity past week, mean hours (SD)*** 2.0 (3.8) 1.1 (2.4) 1.5 (3.0)
 Physical activity at work (yes), n (%)a 45 (19.5) 63 (21.9) 108 (20.8)

Chi-square/t tests indicate significant differences by diabetes type, * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001

aRestricted to employed respondents, n = 519