Fig. 2A, B, C.
25-year-old woman with an extraskeletal para-articular osteochondroma. Precontrast coronal T1-weighted (A), sagittal T2-weighted (B), and axial gradient-echo (C) MRI images of the right knee. There is an ovoid mass in the Hoffa’s fat pad. The mass shows iso-signal intensity to the muscle peripherally, and there is a lobulated central osseous lesion that shows similar signal intensity to the bone on T1-weighted image (arrow in A). It shows slightly heterogeneous, diffuse, high signal intensity, with the central lesion showing a low signal intensity rim on T2-weighted image (arrow in B). Axial precontrast gradient-echo (GRE) image shows iso-signal intensity of the lesion, with the central portion showing slightly lower signal intensity than the periphery (arrow in C).