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. 2016 Apr 25;59:1333–1339. doi: 10.1007/s00125-016-3956-x

Table 2.

A simple overview of the five major diabetes trials of newer agents reported to date

Therapy Trial N Population Follow-up duration HbA1c difference during follow-up (%) Primary outcome
(DPP-4 inhibitor)
SAVOR−TIMI 53 16,492 +CVD (80%) or –CVD at high risk (20%) 24 months 0.2–0.3% CVD death, NF MI or stroke
(DPP-4 inhibitor)
EXAMINE 5,380 MI or UA within last 15–90 days 18 months 0.36% CVD death, NF MI or stroke
(DPP-4 inhibitor)
TECOS 14,671 +CVD 36 months 0.3% CVD death, NF MI or stroke, hospitalisation for UA
(GLP-1R agonist)
ELIXA 6,068 MI or UA within last 180 days 25 months 0.27% CVD death, NF MI or stroke, hospitalisation for UA
(SGLT2 inhibitor)
EMPA-REG Outcomes 7,020 +CVD 37 months 0.3–0.5% CVD death, NF MI or stroke

CVD, cardiovascular disease; ELIXA, Evaluation of Lixisenatide in Acute Coronary Syndrome; MI, myocardial infarction, NF, non-fatal; UA, unstable angina