PPCL population express markers consistent with pure human PCCs. A: PPCLs were examined for staining of HLA-ABC, EpCam, CK19, and CD45 and α-SMA. Cells were gated according to forward/side scatter profiles, and isotype control histograms are shown in gray. B: PPCLs were analyzed for EpCam, CK18, CK19, and CD45 expression with the use of immunocytochemistry. Each indicated marker is displayed in red. The nuclear stain DAPI is shown in blue. Scale bar, 20 μm. CK19, cytokeratin-19; EpCam, epithelial cell adhesion molecule; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; PPCL, primary pancreatic cancer cell line; α-SMA, α-smooth muscle actin.