Fig. 2.
Perisomatic PV+ and VGLUT1+ reactivity in S1 at the pre-symptomatic stage of EAE. a, b Representative confocal z-projections of PV+ somas and terminals (green) in layers 2/3 of S1, in control (7–9 dpi CFA) and pre-symptomatic (7–9 dpi PRE) EAE animals. White arrowheads indicate PV+ somas; magenta arrowheads indicate putative pyramidal-neuron “shadows” targeted for quantification. A’ (inset) High-magnification confocal photomicrograph depicting fluoronissl (NeuroTrace™) counter-staining (red) in S1 of an EAE animal, confirming the neuronal identity of “shadows” targeted for perisomatic PV analysis. White arrowheads indicate PV+ somas; magenta arrowheads indicate nissl+ (putative pyramidal) neurons. c Group mean (±S.E.) normalized density values corresponding to perisomatic PV+ staining surrounding layer 2/3 neurons in S1. This quantity represents a volume-above-threshold calculation which was normalized for target-cell cross-sectional and z-stack volume thickness. Mice with pre-symptomatic EAE (n = 4) exhibited significantly reduced perisomatic PV+ staining in S1, compared to CFA-controls (n = 8) (*t test vs. CFA, p = 0.042). d, e Representative coronal-plane fluorescence photomicrographs of VGLUT1+ staining (pre-synaptic excitatory terminals, red) in layers 2/3 of S1 in CFA (d) and pre-symptomatic EAE (e) animals (7–9 dpi). DAPI (cell-nuclei) counter-stain is shown in blue. f Group mean (±S.E.) integrated density values for VGLUT1+ staining in layers 2/3 of S1. Mice with pre-symptomatic EAE (n = 5) exhibited significantly denser VGLUT1+ staining in layers 2/3 of S1, compared to CFA-controls (n = 5) (*t test vs. CFA, p = 0.041). g, h Representative coronal-plane fluorescence photomicrographs of VGLUT1+ (red) staining in layers 4/5 of S1 in CFA (g) and pre-symptomatic EAE (h) animals (7–9 dpi). DAPI (cell-nuclei) counter-stain is shown in blue. i Group mean (±S.E.) integrated density values for VGLUT1+ staining in layers 4/5 of S1. Mice with pre-symptomatic EAE (n = 5) exhibited significantly denser VGLUT1+ staining in layers 4/5 of S1, compared to CFA-controls (n = 5) (*t test vs. CFA, p = 0.047)