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. 2016 Jun 10;17:42. doi: 10.1186/s12881-016-0304-4

Table 3.

Clinical comparison between the patient here described with TMBTS and the patient described by Kortüm et al. (subject 3)

Patients having the p.(Gly348Arg) mutation
Present patient Subject 3 in Kortüm et al. (2015)
Gender M F
Complicated Pregnancy + ND
Birth weight 2.700 g (60th percentile) 3,290 g (39 weeks) (54th percentile)
Height at birth 48 cm (75th percentile) 55 cm (99th percentile)
Head circumference at birth 33 cm (60th percentile) ND
Clinical findings
Age (years) 09/12 19
Consanguinity - ND
Absence of nails Nails of thumb and hallux Nails of hands and feet
Broad, long thumbs terminally + ND
Adductus deformity of distal thumb + ND
Hypoplasia of terminal phalanges of hands and feet Nearly absent +
Delay in epiphyseal maturation + ND
Intellectual disability + Severe
Poor visual contact + ND
Seizures - Started in adolescence
Hypotonia/motor retardation + +
Hearing loss - -
Abnormal MRI findings - NA
Dysmorphic features
Thoracic abnormalities + Thoracic scoliosis
Coarse face - +
Myopathic appearance + ND
Hypertrichosis - -
Coarse thick hair - -
Flat forehead Bulging ND
Mild hypertelorism + ND
Epicanthal folds + ND
Broad depressed nasal bridge + ND
Short columella + ND
Long philtrum + ND
Thick vermillion border of upper lip - ND
Broad mouth with downturned corners + ND
Gingival enlargement + Noticed in childhood prior anticonvulsant treatment
Central incisors + +
Narrow and high palate + ND
Inverted nipples Widely spaced ND
Systemic manifestations
Gastrointestinal symptoms Constipation ND
Small genitalia/endocrine anomalies - Solitary renal cyst
Cardiovascular system anomalies - ND

Abbreviations: +, present; −, absent; ND not documented