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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Jun 10.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2007 Aug 15;145C(3):248–260. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.c.30137


Mutation Analysis of NIPBL and SMC1A Genes in Older Individuals With CdLS

Mutations #/Sex Growth Developmental level of
mental retardation
Major malformations
 Nonsense 2
  Q1413X F Tiny Severe Absent forearm, CP, VSD
  S1459X F Tiny Severe Absent forearm, CP, Hip disl., bowel obstr.
 Missense 4
  R1856Ta M Normal Severe RD
  R2298C F Small Mild RD, VSD, club foot
  R2298H M Normal Mild RD, Pulm. stenosis
  G2381A M Small Mild RD, Eso. web, Crypt.
 Splice site 3
  5574 + 1G>T F Tiny Severe RD, CP, ASD
  611-2A>G F Tiny Severe Absent forearm, hip disl., CP
  R1890R M Normal Severe RD, Pulm. stenosis, MP
 Frameshift 4
  3023del5 F Small Severe Absent forearm, CP
  2969delG M Small Severe Absent forearm, CP, Crypt., MP
  7210delC M Small Mild RD, Hip disl., Cataract, Crypt.
  14_15insAT F Small Mild Sz., mitral stenosis, CP
  F1122L F Normal Mild Scoliosis

Small, below 5th centiles for wt, ht on standard growth charts; tiny, below 50th centiles on CdLS growth charts.

CP, cleft palate; MP, micropenis; ASD/VSD, cardiac defects; Crypt., cryptorchidism; Pulm, pulmonary; Disl., dislocation; RD, radial dislocation; Sz, seizures.

