Table 1.
Representative comments from ASCRS membership
Supportive | |
“Agree with reassessment of tumor response immediately preop…” | |
“Great job.” | |
“Ideally should be best practice, but might not be achievable. May be more useful as minimum acceptable.” | |
“To maintain or ensure standards, probably needs some sort of reporting to be sure it gets done.” | |
Too Restrictive | |
“I don’t think we need to advocate for repeating any radiographic imaging after neoadjuvant treatment, do we?” | |
“Referral to medical oncologist [for specific stages]?” | |
“Don’t need postop checklist.” | |
“Pouch vs. no pouch sounds mandatory.” | |
“Would seem colorectal specialists don’t need a checklist.” | |
“Tumor board not always applicable – hurts high-volume practice.” | |
Too Vague | |
“”Need relation of tumor to [rectal] valves and anterior/posterior.” | |
“Consider assessment of post-op sexual function, quality of life, bowel function, & stoma management.” | |
“Request standardization of pathology reporting” | |
“Need pathologist’s synoptic report.” | |
“Add [intraoperative assessment] for ureter.” | |
“Add family history to pre-op evaluation.” |