Figure 4. R-carvedilol does not markedly affect depolarization-induced Ca2+ transients in intact hearts.
Intact hearts isolated from RyR2-R4496C+/− mice were loaded with Rhod-2 AM in KH solution and Langendorff-perfused with blebbistatin (10 μM) to inhibit muscle contraction. The perfused heart was paced at 4 Hz and Ca2+ transients were monitored by line-scan confocal Ca2+ imaging. Representative images/traces in hearts treated with DMSO (A) or with R-carvedilol (1 μM) (B). Short bars to the left indicate cell boundaries within the intact heart. The amplitude (C), time to peak (D) and time to 50% decay (T50) (E) of Ca2+ transients in hearts treated with DMSO or R-carvedilol are shown. Data shown are means ± S.E.M. from six or seven areas of three or four hearts for each group.