Figure 3.
Genes involved in thiol compound accumulation are up-regulated in CK-depleted transgenic plants. A to D, qRT-PCR expression analysis of AtARQ1 (A), γ−ECS (B) GSH2 (C), and AtPCS1 (D) in Col-0 and 35S:CKX1. Plants were grown in +Pi medium for 7 d, transferred to −Pi medium for 3 d, and then to −Pi liquid medium alone (−Pi) or with 30 μm As(V) [+As(V)] for 6 h. Expression was analyzed in whole seedlings except for AtARQ1, for which only roots were used. Values show mean ± sd (n = 3). Means labeled with the same letter indicate no significant difference, based on Tukey’s posthoc test (α = 0.05).