Table 2.
Species | Country | Prevalence in % (population studied) | Technique employed | Reference |
Babesia canis | Slovenia | 4.6 (238) | PCR | [58] |
Spaina | 1.3 (153) | PCR | [155] | |
Spaina | 10 (120) | PCR | [35] | |
Italya | 20.7 (164) | PCR | [84] | |
Italy | 2.3 (420) | PCR | [57] | |
Italyb | 70 (249) | IFAT | [156] | |
Polandb | 25.3 (82) | PCR | [59] | |
Croatia | 2.3 (848) | PCR | [21] | |
Romania | 44.8 (216) | PCR | [60] | |
Romaniaa | 71.4 (49) | PCR | [153] | |
Slovakiac | 3.5 (366) | PCR | [157] | |
Lithuaniaa | 87.8 (123) | PCR | [158] | |
Turkey | 0.1 (757) | PCR | [159] | |
France | 12.9 (140) | PCR | [64] | |
Bulgaria | 16.2 (167) | ELISA | [160] | |
Babesia vogeli | Slovenia | 1.3 (238) | PCR | [58] |
Italya | 6.7 (164) | PCR | [84] | |
Italya | 4 (99) | PCR | [93] | |
Croatia | 0.2 (848) | PCR | [21] | |
Serbia | 1.9 (158) | PCR | [62] | |
Spaina | 2 (153) | PCR | [155] | |
France | 0.9 (108) | PCR | [61] | |
France | 13.6 (140) | PCR | [64] | |
Babesia gibsoni d | Croatia | 0.7 (848) | PCR | [21] |
Serbia | 5.7 (158) | PCR | [62] | |
Spaina | 2 (153) | PCR | [155] | |
Spaina | 2.5 (120) | PCR | [35] | |
Romaniaa | 28.6 (49) | PCR | [153] | |
Babesia microti-like sp. | Spaina | 1.9 (2,979) | Microscopy and PCR | [161] |
Spaina | 62.5 (120) | Microscopy and PCR | [35] | |
Spaina | 0.7 (153) | PCR | [155] | |
Croatia | 0.1 (848) | PCR | [21] | |
France | 0.7 (140) | PCR | [64] | |
Serbia | 10.1 (158) | PCR | [62] |
aStudy conducted using dogs with a suspected infection, transmitted by ticks/babesiosis
bStudy conducted using shelter dogs
cStudy conducted in Dirofilaria-infected dogs
dPrevalence studies performed in Europe are rare, although clinical cases have been described at various locations