Figure 5. CEMA selected genes expression derive specific cell fates.
(A) 3 weeks post ectopic induction PSC-iNPC clones exhibited homogenous NPC morphology, (B) and expressed NPC markers. Bars represent 50 microns. (C) CEMA-PSC-iNPC expressed various NPC markers as measured by RT-PCR relative to H9-GFP and compared to 6.5w tissue derived NPCs and PSC-NPC derived by standard protocol. Error bars represent standard error of the mean of three samples. GAPDH was used for normalization. (D) Followed growth factor withdrawal, PSC-iNPC exhibited high tendency to differentiate towards the glial lineage (GFAP positive cells) quantification of three separate experiments with different PSC clones is shown. For experiment #4, CEMA-XFiPS cells were chemically induced to differentiate towards NPC using small molecules(Chambers et al., 2009). YFP+/− NPCs were sorted out followed by growth factor withdrawal. (E), Hierarchical clustering of gene expression profiles as measured by strand-specific RNA-seq, shown as dendrograms. Left panel: CEMA selected early tissue NPC genes (see supplementary Figure S1); right panel: total gene expression.