Figure 6.
Effects of SI on DG granule cell excitability: reversal by progesterone treatment. (A) Representative membrane voltage responses to negative (−80 pA) and positive (80 pA) current pulses applied to DG granule cells from different experimental groups. (B) Phase plots representing the change in dV/dt at different values of Vm in a representative cell from each experimental group (GH black, SI red, GH + Prog blue, and SI + Prog green). (C) Bar graph of action potential (AP) threshold calculated as Vm at which dV/dt has a value of 5 V/s. (D) Minimum current intensity required for induction of the first AP (E). AP frequency and (F) AP latency. Data are means ± SEM [n, 24 (GH), 28 (SI), 9 (GH + Prog), 7 (SI + Prog)]. *p < 0.05 vs. GH (one-way ANOVA, and Bonferroni’s post hoc test).