X-ray structure of PfDHODH bound to 13 (PfDHODH-13). Limited residues from
the 4 Å shell around 13 are shown, and the structure
has been aligned to the PfDHODH structure bound to 2 (PDB 3I65) to allow comparison of the binding modes. Only the inhibitor 2 from 3I65 is displayed. PfDHODH amino acid, FMN, and orotate
carbons are shown in purple, the carbons of 13 are shown
in tan, and the carbons of 2 are shown in green. Nitrogens
are blue, oxygens are red, sulfur is light yellow, fluorines are light
blue, and bromine is deep red. Protein residues are labeled with their
amino acid number.