Figure 1. Simulated tomographic reconstructions from a phantom consisting of stained membranes embedded in a uniform matrix.
(a) Slice through phantom in x–z plane showing coordinate axis orientation with electron beam along z-axis, and missing wedge of tilt angles indicated by dashed lines; (b) CS-ET reconstruction of x–z slice from simulated projections at ±70° with 2° angular increment; (c) CS-ET reconstruction of x–z slice with 3× undersampling of tilt angles; (d) CS-ET reconstruction of x–z slice with 6× undersampling of tilt angles; (e) WBP reconstruction of x–z slice with all tilt angles; (f) WBP reconstruction of x–z slice with 3× undersampling of tilt angles; (g) WBP reconstruction of x–z slice with 6× undersampling of tilt angles; (h) Slice through phantom in x–y plane; (i) CS-ET reconstruction x–y orthoslice with all tilt angles; (j) CS-ET reconstruction x–y orthoslice with 3× undersampling of tilt angles; (k) CS-ET reconstruction x–y orthoslice with 6× undersampling of tilt angles; (l) WBP reconstruction x–y orthoslice with all tilt angles; (m) WBP reconstruction x–y orthoslice with 3× undersampling of tilt angles; (n) WBP reconstruction x–y orthoslice with 6× undersampling of tilt angles.