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. 2016 Jan 25;7(10):11310–11320. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7023

Table 2. Summary of Two Targeted Drugs in Combinationa.

Second drug at 100% dose percentage of FDA-approved dose/RP2D/MTD Lowest safe dose percentage of second drug if both are of the same class and/or have overlapping targets Lowest additive dose percentage of the combination
First drug at 100% dose percentage of FDA-approved dose/RP2D/MTDb 61% of trials(74/121)(Note: 74 of the 144 total trials (51%) administered each drug at 100% dose) 25% of FDA/RP2D/MTDc 125%
First drug at 51-99% dose percentage of the FDA-approved dose/RP2D/MTD Not applicable(13 total trials) 29% of FDA/RP2D/MTDd 104%d 143% (for non-overlapping targets and different classes)e
First drug at ≤ 50% dose percentage of the FDA-approved dose/RP2D/MTD Not applicable(5 total trials) 10% of FDA/RP2D/MTDf 60% (overlapping targets in each case)f 90% (for non-overlapping targets, but both same class (small molecule inhibitors)g

The five studies where no safe dose was found or study was aborted early due to unacceptable toxicity were excluded from this table and include: bevacizumab and sorafenib [28, 29], pazopanib and temsirolimus [27], bevacizumab and everolimus [31], and bevacizumab and temsirolimus [32]


First drug had the dose percentage closest to the FDA-approved/RP2D/MTD dose


In these cases, the combinations were same class (small molecule inhibitors) with non-overlapping targets (sorafenib at 100% with everolimus at 25%, and imatinib at 100% with everolimus at 25%) [1214].


Sunitinib was at 75% and everolimus at 29% [20]


Rapamycin was at 93% and bevacizumab was at 50% [19]


Bevacizumab with vatalinib [26] and bevacizumab with telatinib [25] each included an anti-VEGF antibody and a small molecule VEGFR inhibitor (both at 10% and 50%, respectively)


Sorafenib was at 50% and temsirolimus at 40% [23]; however the combination of pazopanib and temsirolimus was above the FDA-approved/RP2D/MTD at an additive dose percentage of 65% (albeit with no acute or irreversible side effects and with the nonspecific side effect of fatigue as dose limiting in one patient).

Abbreviations: MTD = maximum tolerated dose; RP2D = recommended phase II dose