The broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor p35 was used to inhibit cell death exclusively in the developing CNS. A) UAS-p35 alone had wild type fiber numbers B) expression of p35 with wor-Gal4 rescues embryonic abdominal NBs, and increases muscle fiber numbers. C) Combining wor-Gal4 with elav-Gal4 rescues both NBs and neurons, and results in a significant increase in fiber number. D) Fiber number counts (x̄ shown as bar). elav-Gal4 alone results in an increase in fiber number, but both elav>p35 and wor>35 increased fiber number slightly more, and when combined the two drivers together showed a significant increase (* p<0.05 vs. elav-Gal4, wor-Gal4). Animals/genotype UAS-p35 n=7, elav-Gal4 wor-Gal4 n=4, elav>p35 n=8, wor>p35 n=7, elav wor>p35 n=4.