Table 1. Health Information Seeking Behavior.
Guam | US | |
Weighted % (N) |
Weighted % (N) |
Have you ever looked for information on health or medical topics from any source? (n=510) |
Yes | 79.7 (411) | 79.9 (3181) |
No | 20.3 (99) | 20.1 (788) |
The most recent time you looked for information about health or medical topics, where did you go first? |
Internet | 69.1 (261) | 69.6 (1691) |
Printed Materials | 13.7 (34) | 09.8 (372) |
Healthcare Provider | 11.3 (29) | 13.6 (436) |
Other | 05.9 (26) | 06.9 (200) |
Imagine that you had a strong need to get information about health or medical topics. Where would you go first? |
Internet | 45.8 (251) | 39.4 (1391) |
Printed Materials | 05.6 (18) | 03.0 (152) |
Healthcare provider | 38.2 (163) | 52.2 (2023) |
Other sources | 10.4 (60) | 05.4 (210) |
Have you ever looked for information about cancer from any source? |
Yes | 65.8 (341) | 51.8 (2153) |
No | 34.2 (168) | 48.2 (1773) |
In the past 12 months, have you used the internet to look for health or medical information for yourself? |
Yes | 79.1 (354) | 78.0 (2238) |
No | 20.9 (91) | 22.0 (662) |