Figure 3.
Organoid examples. A: Optic cup organoids. (i–iv) Images show morphology and gene expression of optic cup structures at days 9 and 12. (i,ii) Formation of eye cup structures expressing Rx-GFP, indicating early retinal tissue, on day 9. (i,ii) The outer shell expressed markers resembling retinal epithelium progenitors, including Mitf (i) and accumulated pigment (ii). (iii) Expression of aPKC and laminin demonstrate apical-basal polarity. (iv) E11.5 mouse eye. (v) Schematic of optic cup formation.74 B: Cerebral organoids. (i) Schematic of protocol for cerebral organoid formation. (ii) Sectioning and staining of tissue shows the complex tissue morphology, with regions of neural progenitors (SOX2, red) and neurons (TUJ1, green) (arrow). Scale bars, 200 μm.4 C: Liver buds generated from human iPSCs. Images show presence of human iPSC hepatic endoderm (iPSC-HE) (green) and endothelial networks (red) inside liver buds. Scale bars, 100 μm.78 C: D: Intestinal organoids. On left, confocal image shows intestinal crypts grown for 3 weeks. Lgr-GFP+ stem cells (green) are located at the tips of crypt domains. Scale bar, 50 μm. On right, aschematic of a crypt organoid depicts thestructure.85 All figures reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature. Respectively: Eiraku et al,74 copyright 2011. Lancaster et al,4 copyright 2013. Takebe et al.,78 copyright 2013. Sato et al,85 copyright 2013.