Figure 2.
Pubertal age (day of vaginal opening) and body weights (g) for female rats exposed to EDCs during gestation and neonatal development. A: Average day of vaginal opening in females from Experiment 1 (F(2, 9) = 0.2853, ns). B: Average day of vaginal opening in females from Experiment #2 (F(5, 31) = 9.064, p < 0.0001). C: Body weights from Experiment #1 (F(2, 9) = 0.6023, ns). D: Body weights from Experiment #2 (F(5, 22) = 4.624; p < 0.01). Data were analyzed by a one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparison tests (* p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01). Numbers in column represent the sample size (n=litters) for each treatment.