Circular representation of the B. contaminans
MS14 genome in comparison with five sequenced Burkholderia whole genome. Rings from inside to outside: (1) GC content (black), (2) GC skew (purple and green), (3) BLAST comparison with B. mallei
ATCC 23344 (red), (4) BLAST comparison with B. cenocepacia J2315 (aqua), (5) BLAST comparison with B. glumae
BGR1 (slateblue), (6) BLAST comparison with B. ambifaria
AMMD (cyan), (7) BLAST comparison with B. lata 383 (yellow), (8) Coding sequences of B. contaminans
MS14 genome (dark blue), (9) Gene islands (dark green), (10) rRNA (yellow), tRNA (dark purple) and ncRNA (red). Figure generated by Circos with incorporated BLASTn result from BRIG (BLAST, Ring Image Generator).