Smooth pursuit |
Significantly reduced pursuit gain in elderly (66–87 y) compared with middle-aged (35–60 y) |
Zackon and Sharpe66
Lower vertical tracking gain in elderly (70 ± 8 y) with increased phase lags for higher frequencies compared with younger (30 ± 6 y) subjects |
Lower tracking gain for predictable targets in the elderly (70 ± 8 y) with increased phase lags with increasing target stimuli Hz compared with younger (30 ± 6 y) subjects |
Saccadic tracking |
Peak eye velocities reduced in the elderly (66–87 y) to unpredictable targets |
Sharpe and Zackon68
Latency and accuracy reduced for predictable and unpredictable targets in the elderly (66–87 y) |
Sharpe and Zackon68
Frequency hypometric saccades in the elderly (66–87 y) |
Sharpe and Zackon68
Increased latency and decreased peak eye velocity with advancing age (20–68 y) |
Pitt and Rawles69
Optokinetic |
Reduced optokinetic gain for elderly (70 ± 8 years) with greater phase lag than younger (30 ± 6 y) group |