(A), Right dentary in labial view. (B), Right dentary in symphyseal view, drawing depicts the outline of its medial portion with preserved part of the symphysis highlighted in gray. (C), Right dentary in dorsal view, dashes outline the missing portions of the ramus. (D), Functional tooth in apical view; light gray indicates broken portion of the tooth, dark gray highlight wear facet. (E), Mesial or distal view of the apical portion of a functional tooth. (F), Mesial or distal view of the mid-crown of the same tooth seen in (D) and (E); drawing indicate the morphology of the tooth cross section. (G), Detail of the fourth alveolus with two replacement teeth (gray shading highlights tooth portions not embedded in the matrix, dashes indicate their possible outline). (H–K), X-ray and draw interpretation of dentary in lingual (H, J) and labial (I, K) views, indicating two replacement teeth per alveoli; a1–a7, alveolus 1–7; t1 and t2, teeth number per alveolus. Numbers refer to characters discussed in the text, followed by the corresponding state score.