Fig. 4.
Synteny analysis. Synteny blocks between cranberry and kiwifruit (left panel) and cranberry and grape (right panel). The 12 cranberry chromosomes are represented in different colors whereas chromosomes for the other species have dark gray color. The distribution of significant BLAST hits between cranberry (ring a, blue histogram) and the other species (ring d, gray histogram) are shown. Ring b (black histogram) shows the SNP marker density in each cranberry LG. In order to visually explore syntenic blocks, the location of each homologous sequence between cranberry (x-axis) and the reference species (y-axis) was plotted in ring c. In this plot, different dot colors were used to differentiate chromosomes in the reference species; those hits that potentially could be syntenic blocks (see Methods), show non-gray color. For example, a section of the LG 10 in cranberry (purple lines) has homology to large portions of chromosomes 4 and 21 in kiwifruit (see blue and orange dots in ring c)