FIG 5.
PopZAt-GFP localizes to ectopic growth poles in ΔpodJAt cells. (A) The ΔpodJAt cell on the top displays a PopZAt-GFP focus (red) at a growing pole (white arrow) that continues to grow postdivision. The black arrow indicates a pole produced by division (60 min) that should normally be a growth pole, but it does not grow and does not label with PopZAt-GFP. In contrast, the lower sibling cell grows from the site of division, as in the WT (arrowhead), and this new growth pole does label with PopZAt-GFP. (B) ΔpodJAt cell displaying splitting of the growth pole and producing two PopZAt-GFP foci (arrows). (C) ΔpodJAt cell with PopZAt-GFP focus at a growth pole emerging from a convex point along the sidewall of the cell (arrow). Bars, 3 μm.