Table 1. 16S rRNA gene sequence richness and diversity of composted cattle manure by time and sampling depth.
Treatmenta | Time (day) | Depthb | Number of OTUs | Shannon | Chao1 | PD Whole Tree |
CON | 0 | Top | 2808 ±185a | 6.31 ±0.08 | 4699 ±369a | 185.7 ±2.2a |
DDG | 0 | Top | 2544 ±208ab | 6.13 ±0.33 | 4483 ±432abc | 180.2 ±14.3a |
CON C&D | 0 | Top | 2645 ±176ab | 6.27 ±0.08 | 4505 ±473ab | 184.9 ±7.5a |
CON | 14 | Top | 2471 ±282ab | 6.08 ±0.47 | 4351 ±376abc | 174.4 ±18.9ab |
CON | 14 | Middle | 2757 ±58a | 6.25 ±0.02 | 4844 ±134a | 181.9 ±0.9a |
DDG | 14 | Top | 2473 ±140ab | 5.88 ±0.32 | 4619 ±237a | 174.6 ±12.1ab |
DDG | 14 | Middle | 2455 ±456abc | 5.93 ±0.76 | 4468 ±658abc | 169.4 ±22.8ab |
CON C&D | 14 | Top | 2150 ±219abc | 5.88 ±0.36 | 3844 ±126abcd | 158.1 ±17.1ab |
CON C&D | 14 | Middle | 2594 ±262ab | 6.04 ±0.28 | 4643 ±473ab | 183.6 ±13.6a |
CON | 99 | Top | 1981 ±201abc | 5.82 ±0.43 | 3486 ±63abcd | 156 ±16.1ab |
CON | 99 | Middle | 1768 ±148bc | 5.09 ±0.09 | 3468 ±152abcd | 137.4 ±11.8ab |
DDG | 99 | Top | 1788 ±143bc | 5.74 ±0.16 | 3010 ±240abcd | 148.3 ±9.3ab |
DDG | 99 | Middle | 1750 ±327bc | 4.77 ±0.77 | 3399 ±521cd | 139.2 ±17.8ab |
CON C&D | 99 | Top | 1689 ±169bc | 5.48 ±0.29 | 3139 ±208bcd | 136.5 ±10.3ab |
CON C&D | 99 | Middle | 1538 ±12c | 5.08 ±0.01 | 2792 ±137d | 119.8 ±4.6b |
a CON, manure from cattle on a control diet of barley; DDG, manure from cattle fed dried distillers grains and solubles; CON C&D, manure from the control diet cattle amended with construction and demolition waste. Mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) is shown for compost. Means with different lowercase letters are significantly different from one another (P<0.05).
b Samples were taken at the top (7 cm) and middle (90 cm) of each compost bin.