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. 2016 Jun 14;11(6):e0157539. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157539

Table 1. 16S rRNA gene sequence richness and diversity of composted cattle manure by time and sampling depth.

Treatmenta Time (day) Depthb Number of OTUs Shannon Chao1 PD Whole Tree
CON 0 Top 2808 ±185a 6.31 ±0.08 4699 ±369a 185.7 ±2.2a
DDG 0 Top 2544 ±208ab 6.13 ±0.33 4483 ±432abc 180.2 ±14.3a
CON C&D 0 Top 2645 ±176ab 6.27 ±0.08 4505 ±473ab 184.9 ±7.5a
CON 14 Top 2471 ±282ab 6.08 ±0.47 4351 ±376abc 174.4 ±18.9ab
CON 14 Middle 2757 ±58a 6.25 ±0.02 4844 ±134a 181.9 ±0.9a
DDG 14 Top 2473 ±140ab 5.88 ±0.32 4619 ±237a 174.6 ±12.1ab
DDG 14 Middle 2455 ±456abc 5.93 ±0.76 4468 ±658abc 169.4 ±22.8ab
CON C&D 14 Top 2150 ±219abc 5.88 ±0.36 3844 ±126abcd 158.1 ±17.1ab
CON C&D 14 Middle 2594 ±262ab 6.04 ±0.28 4643 ±473ab 183.6 ±13.6a
CON 99 Top 1981 ±201abc 5.82 ±0.43 3486 ±63abcd 156 ±16.1ab
CON 99 Middle 1768 ±148bc 5.09 ±0.09 3468 ±152abcd 137.4 ±11.8ab
DDG 99 Top 1788 ±143bc 5.74 ±0.16 3010 ±240abcd 148.3 ±9.3ab
DDG 99 Middle 1750 ±327bc 4.77 ±0.77 3399 ±521cd 139.2 ±17.8ab
CON C&D 99 Top 1689 ±169bc 5.48 ±0.29 3139 ±208bcd 136.5 ±10.3ab
CON C&D 99 Middle 1538 ±12c 5.08 ±0.01 2792 ±137d 119.8 ±4.6b

a CON, manure from cattle on a control diet of barley; DDG, manure from cattle fed dried distillers grains and solubles; CON C&D, manure from the control diet cattle amended with construction and demolition waste. Mean ± standard deviation (n = 3) is shown for compost. Means with different lowercase letters are significantly different from one another (P<0.05).

b Samples were taken at the top (7 cm) and middle (90 cm) of each compost bin.