Fig 1. Neutrophils and MC are the dominant inflammatory phagocytic cells in lung following L. pneumophila infection.
C57BL/6 mice were infected with L. pneumophila and CD45+ cells were analysed on day 2 after infection. A. Gating strategy to identify neutrophils (Neut), AM, MC and cDC. Upper panels, uninfected mice, Lower panels, infected mice. Dashed lines indicate the gated population is further analysed in adjacent panel. Expression of CD11b and Ly6G on CD11c- cells allowed identification of neutrophils. AM, like DC are CD11c+, but also expressed Siglec F. Siglec F-CD11c+ cells comprised MC and cDCs and these were separated by using Fcε receptor I and CD64 as well as CD11b and CD103, respectively. B. Enumeration of the number of cells per lung for the indicated cell types. C. Cells from L. pneumophila-infected mice were stained with a L. pneumophila-specific antibody (upper panels). Lower panels, isotype control. Numbers represent percentage of cells in the gate shown. Cells were identified using the strategy shown in ‘A’. D. Enumeration of cells per lung that stained with a L. pneumophila antibody. In B and D mean ± SEM is shown. B, n ≥ 14 for all groups and pooled from ≥ 4 separate experiments. D, n ≥ 11 for all groups and pooled from ≥ 4 separate experiments.