C57BL/6 mice (B,C), IL12p40-YFP mice (E,F) or the indicated mouse strains (A,D,G) were infected with L. pneumophila. A, D, G. IFNγ (A, G) or IL12p70 (D) levels were measured in BALF of the indicated strains. B, C. Quantitative PCR was used to detect transcripts in whole lung samples for IL12p35 and IL12p40 as shown. Each dot represents the reading for one mouse. E, F. IL12p40-YFP reporter mice were used to analyse expression of IL12p40. Representative flow cytometric plots for the cell types indicated are shown in E (Numbers represent percentage of cells in the gate shown. Gates were set by analysis of infected wild type mice) and enumeration of cells is shown in F. In A, D, F, G mean ± SEM is shown. A. n ≥ 9 for all groups and pooled from 4 separate experiments. B, C. Data pooled from 2 separate experiments. D. n ≥ 9 for all groups and pooled from 4 separate experiments. F. n ≥ 6 for all groups and pooled from 4 separate experiments. G. n ≥ 7 for all groups and pooled from 4 separate experiments. *, P < 0.05, **. P < 0.01, ***. P < 0.005. ****. P < 0.001.