Appendix 1—figure 2. Somatic pain pattern and analyses.
(A) Thresholded LASSO-PCR (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator-regularized Principal Components Regression) derived pattern for somatic pain; B Signature response computed as the dot product of the somatic pain pattern weights and estimated activation maps for each participant (including within-participant standard error of the mean; tUL(27) = 8.06, p<0.0001, tLL(27) = 9.20, p<0.0001, tUL-LL(27) = −0.17, n.s., for somatic pain; tUL(27) = −1.35, n.s., tLL(27) = 0.66, n.s.; tUL-LL(27) = −1.04, n.s., for vicarious pain); C Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) plot for two-choice forced-alternative accuracies for somatic and vicarious pain, high and low somatic pain, and high and low vicarious pain (accuracySom-Vic = 89%, p<0.0001, accuracyHsom-Lsom = 96%, p<0.0001; accuracyHvic-Lvic= 50% n.s.).