(A) Integrated traces from a single experiment showing effect of Alst injection to left preBötC (unilateral, first red arrow and dashed line) then right preBötC (bilateral, second red arrow and dashed line), in presence of CNO (pink shaded area); gray arrow and dashed line mark onset of mechanical ventilation. (B) Expanded traces from A indicated by shaded epochs: (Bi) In presence of CNO only. (Bii) Following Alst in presence of CNO. (C) Comparison between ventilation in rats in presence of CNO and following Alst in presence of CNO. Lines connect data from individual experiments, box and whisker plots show combined data. Data are normalized to highest value for that parameter, i.e., ∫GGEMG, ∫DiaEMG, or ∫AbdEMG regardless of whether it belonged to CNO or CNO with Alst group. Abbreviations defined in Figure 2.